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4 Steps

La niebla y la naturaleza

01/ Rise Awarness

Encourage climate change awareness in your community by focusing on local or regional impacts. Highlight those negative impacts related with contamination or waste so your community can focus more on solving them. In IUKAYOTL  you discover new ways to decrease your ecological footprint and interact with more people of your community, thats why is important to share this page, so more people can get interested and enter this project that involves everyone, and encourage all to create new groups to fight global warming.  Also here you can plan events of reforestation, cleaning , green technologies, etc. and share them in the forum so people near you can attend.

02/ Protect

One of the most important things to notice, is that by protecting all ecosystems we protect ourselves. We need to STOP harming the environment and learn to share as to protect the biodiversity we all need to survive. You can direct your everyday actions to achieve this purpose.

03/ Restore

Much of our planet has been damaged by human activity, but nature can regenerate. We can help ecosystems bounce back just as they have dono so before, by taking specific actions such as reforestation, cleaning ecosystems, developing better habits and use the 3R´s (Recycle, Reuse and Reduce). Lets be part of the solution.

04/ Fund

We need to stop funding things that destroy nature and invest instead in things that help it, for example use more bicycles or walk instead of using the car for short distances, or pay for clean technologies like eolic energy  instead of fossil fuel energy. Redirecting where we use our resources can help protect the environment.

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You can create groups with your family, friends and neightboors. And share ideas, events, social activities and talk about how you can implement new projects on your locality.


Also if you share this web site with them they will be able to participate in an active way in this association against global warming.

Voluntarios limpiando la playa


We use technology to connect with others by electric devices, with this website you can tal with people of all parts of your city or even your country.


You can plan online meetings, simulations, bigger events and share ideas for this fight against pollution/contamination. ​Also share images, videos and methods you found that other people can use, for example if someone discover a way of reusing water or recycling he can share it on the forum/chat so more people can apply it in their own houses.

Multitud aclamando


Now imagine you can talk with people all around the globe, amazing right? well... in this website you can know more people and talk with them about conferences, ideas, etc... you can even discover more people interested on saving the world as you from all the countries, the diversity of people and ideas from a lot of climate change agents is incredible. 


So if you have a project you can start it with lots of people that will be intersted on doing it with you.

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